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The project CRAFT FLOW: REFUGEE EMPOWERMENT THROUGH CRAFT&ENTREPRENEURSHIP introduces the methodological basis for a craft-business incubator adapted to vulnerable target groups of young refugees. We developed it in the cross-sectoral cooperation of three partner organizations: the Society for Sustainable Development Terra Vera (Kostanjevica na Krka, Slovenia), Craftspace (Birmingham, UK) and the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation and Social Justice, Queen's University (Belfast, Northern Ireland). . One of the main results of the project is the e-handbook 'FROM CRAFTER TO ENTREPRENEUR', which is specially adapted for use by vulnerable target groups, at this stage especially young refugees. The chapters of the textbook are devoted to the step-by-step development of a craft-entrepreneurial initiative and brand, from the initial idea all the way to the final product, as well as the knowledge and competences necessary for effective marketing. The e-manual is the result of expert experience and recommendations of our British and Northern Irish partners, as well as improvements based on work with the test group in Slovenia. We tested the individual chapters on the fly on a group of 20 participants (refugees) and thus provided an informal learning program, with the help of which the participants strengthened their entrepreneurial skills, got to know first-hand the cultural and handicraft heritage of the local environment, and acquired all the necessary knowledge about the development of ethical brands and, in cooperation with local artisans/designers, designed prototypes of handicraft products with added value. The test program took the form of individual group 2-day workshops throughout the entire 18-month duration of the project. As part of the project, we also developed mentoring support for refugees with an emphasis on psychosocial assistance and conducted short-term staff training in the organization Craftpace (UK). The participants (young refugees) also developed methods of team building and working in groups, development of key competencies, capacity building in the field of handicrafts and entrepreneurship, and the ability to connect traditional technologies with modern design approaches. 


NEW ROOTS - Migrantour intercultural walks building bridges for newcomers active participation


Terra Vera Society


Fondazione ACRA (Italy)


January 2018 - December 2019


Ministry of Culture









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