We investigate the effects of migration on the cultural heritage of geographical boundaries. We are turning borderland rural landscapes into creative spaces for encounters and intermingling of cultures. Training the first generation young Rural Migrantour guides.
We are developing a handbook for intercultural guides. We are adding three new cities to the Migrantour network - Barcelona, Copenhagen and Utrecht. We are developing digital tools that will make carbon-free travel even more attractive.

With intercultural guides, we visit other European cities where Migrantour lives, get inspired and learn from the experiences of good practices
We connect immigrants and refugees with established Slovenian creators. We promote methods of co-creation that are the consequences of past and present migrations. We develop competences for entering the labor market.
We are training the first generation of Migrantour Ljubljana intercultural guides. We learn about the effects of migration on the cultural heritage of the city in the past and present. We are designing four Migrantour Ljubljana itineraries.
We exhibit and promote prototypes of handicraft and design products, which were created as a result of co-creation between refugees, designers and young people.
With the exhibition 'Living Room', we are visiting London's Tate Modern museum as part of the invitation of the Counterpoints Arts organization to the creative research project 'Who are we?'
We are developing the manual 'From craftsman to entrepreneur', aimed at vulnerable social groups. We detect the skills that immigrants and refugees bring. We combine traditional technologies with modern design approaches.
We connect immigrants and refugees with young people in co-creation processes. We develop initial prototypes of handicraft and design products. We open spaces for contact between people of different cultures.
Through interactive workshops, we raise students' awareness of the cultural contribution of immigrants and refugees to local environments. We juggle, cook, paint with henna, dance. We link the workshops to the current material of the school subjects.
Using the example of good practices of other European organizations, we learn how to develop a society that will be receptive to the diversity of individual voices, and to strengthen participatory work that strengthens social cohesion.
We bring joy and creativity to the border villages along the Kolpa River, bordered by razor wire, with a circus caravan. We spread awareness about the rights of civil society, borders and boundaries, about access to public goods.